Time Management Essentials: Families Parents Kids
At Parent Coaching, we understand our parents and families need more time. We recently interviewed the majority of our families and asked, “What is the most challenging part of parenting?” Without exception, they answered that they did not having enough time to get everything done that they felt they needed to do to be a good parent.
Only $97!
Online Training for Families: Time Management
The coaches at Parent Coaching have developed a simple solution: Time Management for Families Training
Since we realize families have limited time even for a time management course, we have made it easy and convenient to gain time back into your life.
Our family time management strategies will help you accomplish the following:
- Enjoy more quality time with your family
- Reduce the inefficient time use and wasted time
- Acquire and block out “Me Time”
- Have more me time to recover from the day
- Reach your personal goals (health, social, etc.)
- Find stability in your life
- Improve adult relationships
- Improve health
Affordable Online Pricing: $97 for four weeks online training plus two individual family coaching sessions