Online Parenting Classes: Parent Webinars:

Our coaches provide customized one-on-one parent development as well as group sessions and webinars online. This training is highly interactive and focused on viable solutions to bring peace to your home and help modify behaviors with positive parenting. We strive to make our services affordable to families. Feel free to inquire about pricing for any service not listed.

Online Webinar Classes for Parents is offering online classes that you can attend from the comfort of your home.

We are in the process of putting some new classes together. Complete the Contact Form on the right of this page to express your interest in an online parenting class. 

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Here are the upcoming scheduled online parenting classes:

Past Parenting Classes and Events (Onsite Parenting Classes in Nashville, TN & Online)

What Every New Parent Needs to Know – January 8, 2019,
12:00pm Eastern Time Zone (USA)

Join us to get the scoop on what to do with that precious infant – especially if he is driving you crazy. In this one-hour class, we will look at how your baby’s brain is developing and how to interpret what they really need.
We will also explore strategies for getting “me-time” so that you can hold on to your sanity while taking care of your child.
Once you register, you will receive instructions on how to log in (or call-in) and take part in this online meeting. You will have a chance to ask questions and hear from other parents how they are managing.

Only $25! Interested?

Tuesday: Getting Your Child to Talk to You – 12:00pm (EST)  Eastern Standard Time – Online– $25

Research has shown that one of the best techniques for helping children navigate the murky waters of adolescence is the ability to talk to a parent or another adult. So how do you foster this ability? What can you do while they are in preschool to help create a climate of openness so your children will share their lives with you? What if you have already blown it, and your kids are in adolescence and are shutting you out? Linda Ray Miller, Parent Coach, will help address your own unique questions and help you find strategies that will really work for your kids. Join us on your computer or phone using Zoom Technology.

Only $25! Interested?

Tuesday, January 22: What About Discipline? – 12:00pm (EST)  Eastern Standard Time – Online– $25

How do you draw the line between being a tyrannical parent and an over-indulgent one? How can you guide your children into being a responsible citizen as they grow? Why is “discipline” such a bad word when used with guiding children? Linda Ray Miller, Parent Coach, will unpack the use of the term “discipline” from meaning “corporal punishment” and will instead show you techniques to gently guide children into behaviors that will work to meet their needs more effectively. Using Zoom Technology, you can join the class from the comfort of your own home or office, via computer or phone.

Only $25! Interested?

May 1 – Respect: a Key Ingredient in a Happy Family – $25

Only $25! Interested?

May 15 – The Strong-Willed Child – $25

Only $25! Interested?

May 29 – Restore Functionality to a Dysfunctional Family – $25

Only $25! Interested?

Tuesday, March 6, 13, 20, 27: Positive Parenting Solutions – 2:00-3:30 (EST)  Eastern Standard Time– Online – $25

You’ve heard about Positive Discipline, Attachment Parenting, Peaceful Parenting, Compassionate Parenting. But what does it mean when you start to feel you are losing control with your precious little ones? How do you get them to do what you want them to do? We will explore these topics every Tuesday using Zoom Technology, which means you can attend from wherever you are via computer or phone. Bring your own questions and concerns and have them addressed by a trained Parent Coach.

Only $25! Interested?

Thursday, March 8: “Terrible Twos” – 2:00-3:30 (EST)  Eastern Standard Time – Online – $25

What’s so terrible about being two? You are just learning that communication with others is possible, but you aren’t sure just how to work it. You get easily frustrated, because others – particularly your parents – don’t seem to understand you when you think you are being perfectly clear. You are learning that you have power to make others do your bidding, and you are anxious to try this new skill out. Join Linda Ray Miller to learn strategies to communicate effectively with this lovable individual that suddenly seems to run into a tyrant. This class is presented completely online using Zoom Technology, so you can put your little one down for a nap and then join the class via computer or phone.

Only $25! Interested?

Thursday, March 15: Sibling Rivalry – 2:00-3:30 (EST)  Eastern Standard Time – Online – $25

Why is it that siblings always seem to get into disagreements, if not downright fights, over trivial matters such as who gets the first waffle off the waffle iron? How do you recognize when the disagreements need professional intervention? When do you intervene in squabbles, and when do you let them work it out on their own? Linda Ray Miller, Parent Coach, will help answer your questions and listen to your concerns using Zoom Technology, where you can join in on your home computer or by telephone.

Only $25! Interested?

Thursday, March 22: What About Discipline? – 2:00-3:30 (EST)  Eastern Standard Time – Online– $25

How do you draw the line between being a tyrannical parent and an over-indulgent one? How can you guide your children into being a responsible citizen as they grow? Why is “discipline” such a bad word when used with guiding children? Linda Ray Miller, Parent Coach, will unpack the use of the term “discipline” from meaning “corporal punishment” and will instead show you techniques to gently guide children into behaviors that will work to meet their needs more effectively. Using Zoom Technology, you can join the class from the comfort of your own home or office, via computer or phone.

Only $25! Interested?

Thursday, March 29: Getting Your Child to Talk to You – 2:00-3:30 (EST)  Eastern Standard Time – Online– $25

Research has shown that one of the best techniques for helping children navigate the murky waters of adolescence is the ability to talk to a parent or another adult. So how do you foster this ability? What can you do while they are in preschool to help create a climate of openness so your children will share their lives with you? What if you have already blown it, and your kids are in adolescence and are shutting you out? Linda Ray Miller, Parent Coach, will help address your own unique questions and help you find strategies that will really work for your kids. Join us on your computer or phone using Zoom Technology.

Only $25! Interested?

What Every New Parent Needs to Know – January 16, 2018,
2:00pm Eastern Time Zone (USA)

Join us to get the scoop on what to do with that precious infant – especially if he is driving you crazy. In this one-hour class, we will look at how your baby’s brain is developing and how to interpret what they really need.
We will also explore strategies for getting “me-time” so that you can hold on to your sanity while taking care of your child.
Once you register, you will receive instructions on how to log in (or call-in) and take part in this online meeting. You will have a chance to ask questions and hear from other parents how they are managing.

Only $25! Interested?

Having Fun as a Family – January 30, 2018
2:00pm Eastern Time Zone (USA)

Does your life seem to be a never-ending cycle of work, school, lessons, and chores? Do you sometimes feel as if every interaction with your child ends in tantrums and hurt feelings?
Join us to hear how some families are learning to relax and have fun together. Working towards connection and cooperation fosters respect for one another, and leads to family members looking forward to being together.
This workshop will take place completely online. No need to dress up or find a babysitter. Can’t make it at 1:00 on Tuesday? We will be recording it and can send you the link for the same low price!

Only $25! Interested?

We will sponsor 2-3 workshops each month, all at the low, low cost of only $25. Some of the topics will include:

  • Screen time – harmless past-time or addiction? How and when to step in.
  • Nonviolent Communication – listening for feelings and needs, making clear requests, and catching yourself in your manipulative ways of speaking are all keys to connection and family harmony. Nonviolent Communication or NVC has clear formats to make it easy.
  • TLC – Touch, Listening, and Compassion are all keys to family harmony and ending power struggles. Especially during times of tough transition, learning TLC can make all the difference in your family.
  • Boundaries – We will explore all things relating to boundaries. What boundaries are appropriate with your parenting style? How do you enforce them? How do you get other family members to respect them? How can you set boundaries on your own time when you have young children?
  • Connection: The Key to All Things Good in Your Family – When you get right down to it, what we all want and need in our families is connection. This class will explore connection: what it is, how to strengthen it, and how not to break it.
Got an idea for a class you would like to see taught?

Contact Us for more information and to let us know you’re interested. If the times we have selected don’t work for you, please tell us what would work.

Inquire About Parenting Classes or Webinars

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