Programs and Packages To Support You in Becoming a Parent Coach

You’ve come to the right place to get support to become a parent coach. My favorite way to work with you is with personalized one-on-one mentoring and support. That works well for many people and remains the backbone of my coaching training. Recently I’ve added two new options – recorded classes to listen to at your own pace and a premium workshop plus mentoring package. Read on to get the details!

Self-Study plus Private Coaching

  • Build your coaching skills with “Deep Listening” a 4 module recorded class plus 4 personal coaching sessions. Great for an easy introduction to my favorite coaching skill. $300
  • Build your business with “8 Steps To Parent Coaching Success” plus 8 one-on-one coaching sessions. This option combines independent study with personal support to create the business side of your coaching practice. $625


Private Coaching and Mentoring  – 3 month commitment to work with me, Kassandra, one on one

  • Twice a month for 3 months, $197/mo*
  • Three times a month for 3 months, $267/mo*
  • Four times per month for 3 months, $317/mo
  • bonus – if you pay for all three months before our first session, you get a 10% discount


Independent Study


Workshops –  Shame, Vulnerability and Joy Series. Early bird pricing $297 per workshop. (before September 2015) 

  • 1) Relationships: Learn how to create resilience to scarcity and disengagement with our children, work, romantic partners, friends, family and self. You’ll practice vulnerability in a safe container to heal the wounds and live more whole and authentic lives.  September 21 – December 7, 2015. Email for more information and to register.
  • 2) Freedom and Power: The Gifts Within Our Myths and Cultural Stereotypes: Our beliefs about who we should be – how we should look, what we should do, who we should do it with, and how much money we should make can feel like a burden we lug around every day. In this workshop you will notice the weight you carry, decide what you want to drop, and learn the steps to take to let go of what’s dragging you down. Feel the freedom that comes from motivating from your own heart’s calling rather than from fear or what you “should” do.  Jan. 11 – Mar 14, 2016. Email for more information and to register.
  • 3) Healing the Personal, Healing the Planet: To be alive on the planet is to hear stories of vast and mind-boggling social and environmental destruction. How do we come to terms with our own privilege? How do we become part of the solution rather than part of the problem? There are key steps including feeling, owning our stories, and being witnessed. Together our workshop group will create a safe container to move from numbness, blame, and fighting; into and through big emotions; and on into inner harmony with effective action. Letting in the truth frees us. Mar 21 – May 23, 2016. Email for more information and to register.


Premium – 20 coaching sessions to be completed within one year plus access to 2015-2016 workshops on Scarcity, Shame, Vulnerability and Joy (Sept, Jan, Mar). $1947 If you do the math, you’ll see this is an amazing deal. I offer it because it’s so valuable to me to see my clients have success and growth over time. I delight in deepening connection and love the ease that comes from building on one success to reach another, greater level of joy, satisfaction, and goals.

Ready to sign up?

Great!  Book a free session to talk with me about what you want to do. Let’s make sure we’re a great fit for one another.

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