Going Deeper with Parent Coaching (Classes)

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Introduction to Coaching Skills: A 4 Week Telecourse in Empathy and Support. Offered four times in 2014.

  • Class beginning Jan 9 completed and very successful.
  • April 10, 17, 24 and May 1. noon – 1:15 Central
  • Fall and Winter dates TBA.
  • $100.




Introduction to Business Skills: A 4 Week Telecourse in sales, marketing, and working with the voices in your head that say “You’re not good enough!” and “Stop procrastinating and get started yesterday!” Feb 6, 13, 20, 27 10- 11:15am CST. May dates TBA.



Continuing Coaching Skills: An 8 week telecourse to dive deeper into learning the skills of the parent coach, how to help others, and how to get the support you need to authentically reach out and support others.


Continuing Business Skills: An 8 week telecourse to dive deeper into positioning yourself in the marketplace so that the value you offer is seen and appreciated. This means you get to help more people and you get more financial abundance and freedom. A balance of practical skill building and introspection combine to help you live your values and reap the rewards.


One-on-One Mentoring: 13 sessions to be completed within 6 months to work with Kassandra personally. Dive deep into exactly what you need to help you become successful.


Residential Training in Parent Coaching: 5 days to go deep into yourself, meet your parts, meet friends on the path, learn what self-care can really feel like, and jump start your new career in parent coaching. Requirement: Introduction to Coaching Skills and Introduction to Business Skills or equivalent experience. Location: Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, Rutledge, MO. Offered May and September, 2014.


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