
Hi Carrie.

For our next call we’ll most likely use a site called Details in your inbox.
March 6 – Inner Empathy connected with Fear, Frozen, Analytical, and Inner Critic.
@8 min – for free clients ask them to pay $25 and them receive a $25 refund after completing the coaching session with you and giving you feedback. Improves accountability and follow through.
@ 12 min – How to get clients
@ 20 Introduction to Inner Empathy
@ 27 Carrie welcomes parts
@ 35 introducing Frozen part
@ 40 (philosophy) All parts are welcome and part of the coherent whole of your system doing their best to offer protection, safety, and happiness.
@ 44 Connect to Inner Critic
@ 47 Reflection ‘you should already know how to do things’
@ 48 needs and desires for Inner Critic, check in about doing homework journaling to connect to Fear and Frozen
@ 54 Thank the parts
@ 59 Taking time to grieve and integrate the energy of your recent experiences can be a gift to your clients.
@ 1:05 Boundaries. Time to listen to Fear and Frozen. Times to work the strategy and build your business. Compartmentalize so you’re not frozen trying to do too much all at once and ending up on FB.
@ 1:11 Esalen Massage coaching and how you want to move into that work
@ 1:16 Kassandra’s concern that your efforts will be diluted and success in both arenas will take longer if you’re changing and building your massage practice at the same time you’re learning the skills and building your parent coaching. I suggest you focus on one or the other but not both at the same time.

I’m so delighted to work out the kinks in the audio sharing and homework via website with you. Feedback welcome!

Coaching Call – Business building skills and toolbox 2-21-14

  • @7min help clients understand the existing paradigm of shortage/jealousy and zero sum game
  • @10 min helping clients find their vision. What do they want? How does it feel?
  • @17 min you, the coach, are a bridge between current reality and the vision they want to create. Most clients get stuck in one or the other. You help anchor both sides and then with the client you create the bridge from here to there.
  • @23 min compassion is the greatest tool you have. That’s where the transformation happens.
  • @33 min link to IAC (international association of coaching) with a $600 certification program and 9 masteries. Worth checking out.
  • @42 min taking the leap. Value what’s in your own toolbox and take the leap to offering free sessions to people you know. Get referrals!
  • @47 min 1 vs 3 free sessions. The best of both worlds.
  • Homework – do at least one free session with someone before our next one on one call.
  • In our next call – I’ll coach you using the parts work and inner empathy and then we’ll talk about the session, review the tools used, and see which ones you’re drawn to (either in that session or a follow-up call)
  • Next call 3/6 10am CST


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