Cancellation Policy FAQs

The following questions are not asked frequently, but they have each come up at least once and the answers may help you understand our billing and cancellation policy.

100 % Money Back Guarantee

  • If for any reason you are not satisfied with our session, we will refund the full price you paid for that session. Before issuing the refund, we require a completed feedback interview or survey to help us improve our coaching services.
  • You must show up on time for your session to qualify for the money back guarantee. On time means no later than 7 minutes after our scheduled start time.
  • If you do not keep your appointment and do not cancel at least 24 hours in advance, you will be charged for the session. If you think you’ll need an exception to this rule, please read these FAQs.

What if my child is home sick from school. I couldn’t predict that. Isn’t that a good reason to cancel that you shouldn’t charge me for?

Most kids when they are home sick are fine to nap, read, play a game, watch a movie, listen to an audiobook, or be occupied in some other quiet way for an hour. If one or more of your children is home sick while it is unexpected and certainly adding complexity to your day it is not, from the point of view of my billing policy, an emergency that relieves you of your responsibility to show up on time for our coaching call.

You will still be responsible for paying me the full price for that session unless you cancel/reschedule more than 24 hours ahead of time.

What if I get called into work unexpectedly? I can’t do our coaching at work then.

Work emergencies are challenging. We get it. We own our own businesses. And we still expect you to keep our appointments.

Here are some suggestions on  how to do that. During the course of the workday you can close your office door, reserve a conference room, go out to your car, or find another quiet space and take the hour we’ve reserved for our coaching.

Setting and keeping clear boundaries with your employer can be difficult. We get that it’s not easy. But it’s  important.

If you get called into work at the last minute while it is unexpected and certainly adding complexity to you day it is not, from the point of view of our billing policy, an emergency that relieves you of your responsibility to show up on time for our coaching call. You will still be responsible for paying the full price for that session.

If I’m tired or getting the feeling that I need to do something other than coaching with you. Isn’t it good to listen to myself and cancel even if it’s within 24 hours?

We do celebrate you listening to yourself and taking care of yourself. Self-care is one of the biggest things we advocate for in our coaching. Yet part of self-care is keeping agreements. When you keep your agreements, you build trust – not just with others but, perhaps most importantly, with yourself.

All you need to give me is 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule. So if you think you might want to cancel, take some quiet time and listen to yourself the day before our coaching. Perhaps journal or go for a walk. Notice if your inner voice is prompting you to keep our session or cancel. If you want to cancel, let me know more than 24 hours before our scheduled start time. Then stick with your decision.

Most of us resist change and many people feel some desire to do something else just before our coaching. You may start telling yourself you just don’t have the time for coaching today.

Trust the intuition you had when you made the session and when you checked in with yourself the day before and go ahead and keep our appointment. Remember, our coaching is all about you. We can focus on whatever you want.

If you truly and deeply feel within a day of our coaching that you need to cancel, then I hope you will do what’s best for you. You are still responsible for paying for that session.

Do you just want money for nothing?

Getting money for “nothing” is one of the hardest things for us about keeping this boundary with you. We love offering value and are far more comfortable offering you a free coaching session than in having you pay for not coaching you. It sits on our back like a horsehair shirt to charge you for a session you don’t attend.

We are willing to endure that discomfort because by doing so we are valuing and validating both of us and the commitment we make to our coaching. We promise you that we will show up ready to coach you at the time we agreed. Your reciprocal agreement is that you will show up on time ready to be coached. You will create the quiet and spaciousness in your day and you will show up. So will we.

If we do not show up and do not cancel more  than 24 hours out, then we will offer you a free session.

If you do not show up and do not cancel more  than 24 hours out, then you will pay for the scheduled session.

This creates an increase in accountability for both of us. Setting and keeping clear and authentic boundaries is one of the key skills of being the parent you want to be. By setting and keeping this clear boundary with you, we model those skills you want to learn. It’s not often easy, popular, or fun to keep a boundary but it creates more ease, trust, consistency, and a good foundation for learning when we do keep them. We want that for you with us. We want that for you with your children.

Why will you charge me if you don’t coach me?

We each schedule no more than 10 one on one coaching appointments available each week. By taking one of them, you are claiming it and making that appointment unavailable to someone else. It is now yours. And it is yours to manage well. Either cancel 24 hours ahead of your appointment or pay for it.

This coaching is valuable. You are taking the time to connect to yourself, learn new skills, and bring these skills to your children.  You are being brave enough to reach out and ask for help in a very personal way. You are inviting us into your life to help you with your family. That is wonderful, vulnerable, courageous, and important. We both need to value this time highly. Making and keeping a boundary around payment is one way to do that.

We sincerely and fervently want you to show up for your session. We delight in coaching you. We learn so much from it and love the exchange of energy and insight we get from spending that valuable time together.

Many parents who come to us for coaching are struggling to find the respect and cooperation they want with their children. Arguments, laziness, acting our, and lack of authentic connection are complaints we often hear from our clients about their kids. Clear boundaries are one of the foundations of a respectful, non-argumentative relationship. In this way we, as your parent coaches, are modeling the behavior that you, as a parent, will find helpful.

We will not argue with you about paying for missed sessions. Nor will we shame you or tell you you did something wrong. We will simply keep our agreement and will listen and be there for you to work through whatever comes up for you as we keep this boundary. It may be some of the most important and most helpful work we ever do.


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